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A long Time ago...

I've been watching movies and series with my sisters, having fun and the 5 days I had free, flew by...

I don't wanna go back to work, but there's no chance I could skip it this time...

I watch almost the entire season 3 of Gossip Girl, Señora del Destino, a brazilian novel that I LOVE; Tangled (sooo cute); Inception, AMAZING even though i'm still trying to figure out what the hell happened with the guy at the end...
I also watched...Serendipity (A LOVELY love story); Charlie St Cloud (I thought it'd be better) and A LOT of trailers, I'm sooo excited about a couple of movies like:

Country strong with Leighton Meester and Gwyneth Paltrow.
I'm Number Four with Alex Pettifer (or something like that)
Beastly with Vanessa Hudgens and Alex (whatever)
Narnia: The voyage of the Dawn Treater or something like that, I Just Wanna see it

and a Lot More that I Just can't remember right now.

I saw Harry Potter and the deadly Hallows last week, it was AMAZING, can't wait for Part II!!!!!

I didn't read 'cuz i was waiting for my new eyeglasses, i have them now, and I'm Happy and nervous at the same time, Do I look good with them?? Who Knows? I can't trust my mom in this theme specifically haha.

I was watching a book, called Spectacular America, that i bought a couple of years ago; it's full of US landscapes and big cities pictures! I'd love to make a trip and visit all that places! Another dream to put on the list!

What else...Well, yesterday, was my first Grandmother's Birthday without her, It's weird and sad, 'cuz i miss her a lot, but I know she's in a better place; I believe on it.

And finally, i guess everything just goes to the same point once and over and over again; Trust, Beliefs and HOPE, I Trust in God to take care of me, I Believe that everything it's possible if you fight for it and I have HOPE that in the darkest moments of my life...I'll find a LIGHT!


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